
The SCM Journal ListTM ranking is an annual ranking of universities’ supply chain management research output, based on the leading supply chain management journals. Each year’s ranking is based on the research published in these journals during the prior five years.
These journals were selected based on existing lists such as the Financial Times and UT-Dallas journal lists, as well as a recognition that those lists included a set of journals that predominantly focused on analytical methodologies and also underrepresented journals that encompass logistics and supply management. The eight journals included in the SCM Journal ListTM ranking include the journals from the Financial Times and UT-Dallas lists (Management Science, Operations Research, MSOM, and POMJ) as well as journals from the leading supply chain management professional associations: APICS (Journal of Operations Management), CSCMP (Journal of Business Logistics), Decision Sciences Institute (Decision Sciences Journal), and ISM (Journal of Supply Chain Management). Unlike existing lists, the SCM Journal ListTM ranking uses output from the top-tier journals which publish research across a broad spectrum of areas across the supply chain, in both the analytical and empirical arenas.
Endorsements: The following are the initial endorsers of the SCM Journal ListTM:
Kate Blackmon (Oxford University) | Dave Ketchen (Auburn University) |
Tom Choi (Arizona State University) | Benn Lawson (University of Cambridge) |
Chris Craighead (University of Tennessee) | Ben Melamed (Rutgers University) |
Lisa Ellram (Miami University) | Aleda Roth (Clemson University) |
Barb Flynn (Indiana University) | Roger Schroeder (University of Minnesota) |
Tom Goldsby (The Ohio State University) | Yossi Sheffi (MIT) |
Jan Heide (University of Wisconsin) | Morgan Swink (Texas Christian University) |
Tomas Hult (Michigan State University) | Doug Thomas (The Pennsylvania State University) |
Eric Johnson (Vanderbilt University) | Stephan Wagner (ETH Zurich) |
Lutz Kaufmann (WHU) | Matt Waller (University of Arkansas) |
Click Here for a Full List of Endorsers
The SCM Journal ListTM gratefully acknowledges the following universities for their financial sponsorship:
The SCM Journal ListTM diligently attempts to ensure the validity of these data. Due to potential ambiguities that can occur when authors list their affiliations in journal publications, errors are possible. If you observe an error, or would like to provide other feedback, please contact us at SCM Journal ListTM.